
Exploring the Natural Gas Value Chain

From the depths of underground reservoirs to the blue flames on your stovetop, the journey of natural gas is a complex ballet of extraction, transportation, and utilisation—welcome to an in-depth exploration of the natural gas value chain.

Natural Gas Production

Upstream Production Wells
Discover the various methods of natural gas extraction from upstream production wells, fracking, shale drilling and offshore drilling. 

Gas Transportation Pipeline
Gas transportation pipelines are critical to the value chain. Learn about the different types of pipelines and how they operate, including gathering lines, interstate pipelines and distribution pipelines.

Minimising waste gas flare
Waste gas flaring poses a significant threat to the environment by releasing harmful greenhouse gases. We’ll discuss the efforts in place to minimise waste gas flaring and improve the overall sustainability of the industry.

Gas Processing and Transport
  1. NGL Extraction
    Gas processing plants extract natural gas liquids, including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). We’ll explore how gas processing works and celebrate the diverse application of NGLs in today’s world.
  2. CNG and LPG Storage
    From mother and daughter stations to bulk coastal storage tanks, learn more about the different ways that compressed and liquid natural gas are safely and efficiently stored for later use or transportation.
  3. LNG and Trucking and Distribution
    LNG is transported by truck or vessel to storage and regasification terminals where it can be withdrawn as natural gas and pumped into pipelines. Many companies who specialise in using trucks or rail for transporting LNG from production sites to distribution terminals have formed. LNG’s versatility and low environmental impact could make it the preferred fuel of the future.
  4. Gas Storage
    Gas storage is a critical aspect of the value chain. Learn more about the different types of gas storage and the procedures involved in storing gas reliably and safely for later use.
Industrial and Household Usage

Household Usage

From heating your home to cooking meals, we’ll explore the many ways that households use natural gas to stay comfortable and reduce their environmental impact.

Industrial Usage

Natural gas is used as a fuel, feedstock and raw material across a variety of energy-intensive industries. We’ll share some of the most innovative and promising applications of natural gas in industry. 


Environmental Impact and Benefits

Giving Back to the Community

We’ll close the presentation with a look at the environmental impact of natural gas and how it compares to other forms of energy. We’ll also highlight the many benefits of natural gas, such as its low cost, wide availability, and versatility.

Community Outreach Programs

We believe in giving back to the regions and communities where we operate. Learn more about our community outreach programs that support health, education, and local development initiatives.

Environmental Stewardship Initiatives

We’re deeply committed to being good stewards of the environment. That’s why we invest in initiatives that conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect wildlife habitats. Learn more about our environmental stewardship initiatives.

Health and Safety Best Practices

We strive to maintain the highest standards of health and safety across our operations. Discover our approach to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees.

Understanding Natural Gas: Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is natural gas?
  • How is natural gas produced?
  • How is natural gas transported?
  • What are the advantages of natural gas?
  • What are the disadvantages of natural gas?
  • What are the different uses of natural gas?
The Future of the NGL Value Chain

Advances in Energy Transportation

We’re constantly exploring new ways to improve the transportation of natural gas and NGLs. From pipeline innovation to new trucking technologies, we’ll share some of the most exciting breakthroughs in energy transportation.

Renewable Gas Energy Plants

The energy industry is evolving quickly, and renewable gas energy could become a vital future fuel source. Learn more about the potential of renewable gas energy plants and the technologies driving their growth.

The Smart Energy Grid

The smart energy grid will revolutionise energy consumption by allowing for more flexible, intelligent use of energy resources. We’ll share some of the most exciting developments in smart grid technology and what they could mean for the natural gas industry.


  • Heather J Goggins

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    • Michal Sturgil

      Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt.

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